Monday, May 25, 2009

So You Think You Can Run a 5K??

HELL YA, I CAN!! I think! :)

Well, of late, I've been thinking of running a 5K!! It is something I've always wanted to do but if anyone knows me, they know how much I HATE walking much less running. But I made a vow to myself in December 2007, that I would try new things and not limit myself.

So far, having embarked on a journey to get healthy, I've lost 50lbs and feel better than I ever have! This is hopefully just one of the many new things I'll try and hey, if I don't like it, then I don't like it and I won't bother to do it again, but at least I tried it. Right?? Running a 5K is also one of the items on my bucket list and I'd love to cross it off this year. As I continue on my weight loss journey, I think this will help me to re-focus and gain new motivation!

I think I can do it, if I put my mind to it and I can just imagine how proud I'd be if I did it (I mean, "WHEN" I do it)!! I sent an email to my trainer telling him of my plans, because my hope is that we can somehow incorporate my 5K training into my existing training program. As soon as I hear from him, I will make my FINAL decision and set an official date to start training!! I'm about 60% YES right now! :)

So, I thought that I'd start this blog which I will use as a 5K training log. I will post all my workouts, blisters, tears and other first time experiences with running. Hopefully, when I run that very first race (which I hope will be the CIBC Run For The Cure in the Fall), I will post pictures of that too - who knows? There may even be video!! :)

I will continue to maintain my regular blog, this one will be solely dedicated to my 5K.....hoping to run maybe two 5K's by the end of 2009 (We'll see how I feel after the first one)!! Don't want to be too ambitious where this is concerned!

I can't believe I'm committing to this. This is a good thing!! :)

Unitl next time...

Joania (2KMINE!!!)

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